Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm a little perplexed by bleu cheese

So, some lame Friendly's commercial came on the other night, and they were sprinkling what I assume were bleu cheese crumbles on a burger, and I was all, like, ewwwwwww.

Because, really? Mold? You want me to eat mold and like it?

My mold prejudice actually began on the first day of seventh grade. With my stomach full of butterflies for the start of a new school year, I sat down that morning to toast that my mom had made me for breakfast. I took a bite, and ... mold. The toast had been made with moldy bread.


I pushed away from the kitchen table.

"What's wrong, honey?," she asked.

And at that point I remember going into a whole angsty seventh-grade screed about IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL and MOLDY BREAD and THIS IS HARD ENOUGH WITHOUT CRAPPY MOLDY TOAST and WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN MY LIFE and

yeah, I'm not proud of myself. What a little sh*t. I'm surprised my mother didn't kill me as a kid. I would have. And that's EXACTLY why I never had kids; I remember what *I* was like as a kid, and it wasn't always pretty. Who wants to go through that again?

But don't ask me to eat anything freakin' moldy, including blue cheese. It takes me right back to seventh grade, and I'd rather not go there, thankyouverymuch.


That Hank said...

No mold? That's a shame. No soy sauce? No salami? Molds, fungi, yeasts - all amazing.

Domestic Kate said...

I have to say, I'm totally with you on bleu cheese, but I can't say that it's an aversion to mold. Maybe it's an aversion to the visual appearance of mold because really, any kind of cheese is basically mold. Yogurt? Cottage cheese? It's all variations on a theme. But yeah, if you call it cheddar and I see chunks of blue and green, it goes in the garbage. Call it bleu cheese and I feel the same way.

rockygrace said...

downtown, soy sauce is made out of mold? Really?

And Kate, I'm not sure if it's an aversion to the appearance as much as it is to the taste. Yogurt doesn't taste moldy to me; bleu cheese does. And mold = yuck in my mind. Blame seventh grade.

That Hank said...

Pretty much everything has mold in it. But yes, a certain type of mold if part of what ferments the soy needed for the sauce.