Friday, April 13, 2012

Geez, I almost forgot

Happy Friday the Thirteenth from Basement Cat.


rockygrace said...

In this shot, you can kind of see how his left eye is clouded. The pupil was also affected, but the vet says he's learned to compensate, and he's not walking into walls or anything, so that's good.

Between Soda and Pony, they've got one good set of eyes between them.

Birdie said...

I think I need a basement cat. I have one that sleeps 23.75 hours a day and only wakes up to eat and go to the bathroom. The other of course is Norbert. We were feeding a neighbour's cat but it moved away.

A basements cat would be nice!

rockygrace said...

I have one Basement Cat (Soda), one Ceiling Cat (Tinks, the foster), and Sodapop, who is orange, so I guess that would make him Sun Cat?