Monday, September 26, 2011

How 'bout dem Bills?

So! The Bills are now three in a row. It's like a miracle or something.

I have followed the Bills, for, well, forEVER, or at least it feels that way. When you back a perpetually losing team, the seasons tend to drag on. Every year they break my heart, sooner or later. Usually by mid-season they've got more guys on injured reserve than they do actually playing, and they have a nasty habit of falling apart in the second half.

But! It is a new season, and yesterday they actually managed to beat the insufferable Patriots. I did a leeetle dance as the game ended. Holy shit - three in a row!

How about you? Who's your favorite team? Who's your LEAST favorite team?

Oh! Speaking of least-favorites, I cannot even watch Tiger Woods any more. Just ... ick. And I mean, what he did/does in his personal life is his own personal business and blahblahblah, but just ... ick.

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