Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Apparently, the reward for a trip to the dentist ...

... is an entire box of powdered mini-donuts.


What's that? Why no, no, I DIDN'T share them with my co-workers. What are you, high or something?

Actually, that would explain the box of mini-donuts, but I have not engaged in THAT particular vice for lo these many years now.

Usually, the reward for a trip to the dentist is lunch at McDonald's (I KNOW), but evidently times are a changin'. Today, nothing but powdered mini-donuts would do. Lots and lots of powdered mini-donuts. (and no, I was not at the dentist's because of the powdered mini-donuts. I like to eat, but I also like to brush my damn TEETH, thankyouverymuch.)

And to those of you who say you should not use food as a reward, I say, "huh"?

What else is there?

I mean, and still keep it legal. Ha. Hell, I can go buy myself a bracelet or a new pair of shoes or go to the movies any time I want to. When I have just voluntarily plunked myself in the dentist's chair for a nice long session with the drill?

Thank you.

and pass the donuts.


Anonymous said...

I just got back from the doctor -- no broken foot, but a lot of pulled tendons (and since my job involves walking, standing, and then more walking, that diagnosis sucks). It hurts and I got totally irradiated by an x-ray tech who could not stop coughing on me (while talking in between hacks about how much she enjoys cherry vodka). As a reward for not killing her (and because I know I'm going to be sick as hell next week with whatever she has), I am contemplating which burger joint is going to get my business today. Hadn't even thought about donuts, but that sounds tasty too...

And maybe some cherry vodka. -bridgett

rockygrace said...

hmmm ... I'm thinking burger and fries, followed by donut(s), with vodka to follow ...

and what did you do to your foot?!

Anonymous said...

I pulled something in my arch during the first week of school and then, like a dummy, I kept on keeping on. I walk to school and back home at least twice a day and teach on my feet all day so I put in about five miles a day. I started to change my gait to protect the sore part on my heel and then I pulled my achilles. So I changed my gait again/rolled out and blew out the top of my foot and the tendons up in the ankle. It got to where I just couldn't walk at all.

rockygrace said...

Ouch. Hope it's better soon.

Kathy Frederickson said...

Food's definitely good, heh heh. It's like when you get your wisdom teeth removed... You'll be eating nothing but soft stuff for awhile, and that can get old very fast. Once you're back to chewing, solid food becomes very satisfying.