Friday, January 08, 2010

Those Crazy Catholics!



First off: This post actually contains an image that may be, kinda, sorta, NSFW (not safe for work), so use caution if your boss is standing over your shoulder.

Question: What is this?:

No! Wait! It's not what you think it is!

Take a look inside:

It's the Virgin Mary! Standing on a globe! In a ...... dildo? What the .......? That is just so wrong.

God, I love the flea market.

Oh! Oh! Does anybody besides me remember the very first Waltons movie, The Homecoming, where they're having a Christmas pageant, and all the little church kids are singing "Hey, Mary, whatchoo gonna name that pretty little baby?" That's all I can think of when I look at this little tchotchke, except I'm thinking, "Hey, Mary, whatchoo gonna name that pretty little dildo?"

I'm sick.


inflammatory writ said...

There is so much phallic imagery with the Catholics. I mean, hello, ever looked at the spires of those cathedrals? Hahaha!

Rob said...

You collect the weirdest shit. C'mon now, you're planning on opening some type of museum in the desert one of these days, aren't you?

That would be extremely cool ...

jradla said...

LMAO!! That is SO FUNNY!! Thank you for making my day. I can't stop laughing...!

rockygrace said...

inflammatory - I think the phallic imagery is due to the repressed sexuality. Just a theory!

And Rob, My house kind of already is a museum of weird shit - I just don't charge admission.

I don't know what's weirder - that I collect this stuff or that it actually gets manufactured in the first place.

JRey/L.A., thanks for stopping by!