Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shit comes in threes

At the end of last month, I let the moths out of my wallet and coughed up four hundred bucks for a (used) washer and dryer.

And once I got my Christmas bonus (thanks, Boss!) I went ahead and bought new fixtures for the bathroom. This past weekend my niece's boyfriend, along with HIS friend the electrician, came over*, swapped everything out, and installed some new electrical outlets. Because do you know how many electrical outlets were in my bathroom? ONE. One lousy outlet, attached to the medicine cabinet that was being replaced. Which Einstein designed that bathroom, is what I want to know. Who the hell builds a room with NO OUTLETS in it?! Oh! And did you know how much electricians, even ones working "on the side", charge? A METRIC SHIT TON OF MONEY, that's how much.

So imagine how thrilled I was when I jumped into the car Sunday afternoon, started her up, and watched the "Service Engine Soon" light come on, blink a few times, and then stay on.

"Spark plugs", the mechanic said, after running the code-thingie on the car. "Unfortunately, I'll have to take off the intake manifold and blah blah blah to actually reach the plugs blah blah blah, so there's a lot of labor involved."

Over TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS worth of labor, actually. To change six lousy spark plugs.

Tell your kids to become appliance-store owners when they grow up. Or electricians. Or car mechanics. Because all of those people are making a F*CK of a lot more money than I am.

*FINALLY. Don't even get me started on that. Oops! Too late.


Unknown said...

Oh yes. The plumber that fixed my mom's sink (twice -- once to break it some more and once to actually fix it) makes roughly three times what I per hour. This is something that gave him a good laugh. On the other hand, I don't show everyone my ass crack every time I do my job...that's worth something to my dignity right there.

rockygrace said...

You know, I always wonder .... can't they feel the damn breeze? Pull up your pants, sir!