Thursday, January 28, 2010

Last night

I was watching Obama's speech last night, and one thing he said jumped out at me:

"We have not raised income taxes one single dime."

And, yeah, okay, that may be true, but they DID raise PAYROLL taxes. An average of two bucks a week, per employee, where I work. I know, because I do the payroll, and I was not happy when I got the package from the Fed with the new withholding charts, knowing that I was going to have to tell my co-workers that they were going to be making a little LESS every week.

And you might think, well, two bucks a week, that's just a hundred bucks a year, but you know what? I can think of all kinds of things I could spend that hundred bucks on RIGHT NOW, thankyouverymuch.

I hate to say it, but Obama's starting to disappoint me. I mean, sure, he TALKS a good game, but then it's like he goes right back to the banks and the insurance groups and everybody else who are heavy campaign donators and gives them what they want.

I'm beginning to think that the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is that at least the Republicans are honest about being in the back pocket of big business.



SM said...

I do payroll too and saw that difference. Of course everyone thought I could have made a mistake since we changed payroll companies.

The man can't fix a country in a day but the disrespect within the gov is sad. :(

Just thought I'd tell you that what you wrote makes sense to me.

Exador said...

I listened to his speech and thought, "Wow, if I didn't follow what he, and congress, have been doing for this past year, this speech would be really inspiring."

Unfortunately, there was no correlation between what he said and reality.

He sure talks a good game, though.

the queen said...

Every time I've heard an Republican talk about "tax and spend" Democrats, I've thought, "better than charge and spend." Last night when he said he hadn't raised taxes, I thought, no, you raised the deficit.

Still, I think he's done far more than what they say. No, he hasn't accomplished his goals, but he's started the process on most of them. Iraq, HCR, Guantanamo.

Rob said...

I made the same comment. Payroll taxes, Federal taxes, what's the difference?

rockygrace said...

I'm just having a hard time right now trying to figure out if he really believes what he's saying, or if he's just feeding the masses a big line of b.s.

Heather said...

Most all of my life I have tried to stay out of politics. But when it has directly affected me in many ways, I get pissed. This is the first time in my life that I am actually following the BS that is being feed to us by both sides! I think, they think are lives are just a power game to them. I better shut up now.

rockygrace said...

Go ahead and rant, Heather! It's good for you!

Sharon said...

Ah, see, we share something in common. I do payroll too. :) And you're right, no one receiving their paychecks likes to see their dollar signs lowered.