I found this gigantic ........ thing ......... in the woods not far from my house:

My foot is in the pic for size reference. (I meant to do that!) (yeah sure.) (no, really, I did.) I think it may be a jack o' lantern mushroom, based on a quick search, but it kinda looks like something that should be growing next to a nuclear power plant, doesn't it?
Oh, and there's plenty of kid-built stuff down by the creek:
This is some kind of a fort, with tree branches interwoven in a circle around it. There's a fire pit, chairs made out of stone (ouch!), and a table made of tires.
It's good to know that kids still do this stuff.
That orange shelf fungus thingie is awesome cool! We've got one like it in the park down the street.
the tree branch fort is awesome! Looks like a dino carcass--wish I could spend a day playing in it.
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