2. Despite warnings to keep it outside, last night the cats gifted me with an eviscerated mouse. All that remained was the back end, the spinal column and some unidentifiable organs. Thanks a bunch, sweeties.
3. The cats have to go to the vet's for their annual checkups tonight. Payback, muthas.
4. I've been trying to watch that documentary series thing about the national parks on PBS. Three words: Boring. As. Shit. Ken Burns, you need to change up your game.
5. I've discovered that when you buy a house, a list immediately appears of repairs that need to be made. The list is endless.
6. I haven't mowed the lawn for a couple of weeks now. I think it'll need one more mow to even it out, and that'll be it for the year. Then it'll be time to start shoveling snow.
7. I need to quit bitching. Look on the bright side: I'll never be bored, because there will
ALWAYS be something that needs to be done around the house.
8. Look! A rainbow!
One of life's perplexities. When's the last time I mow the lawn this Fall? I have enough "lawnmower gas" left for one more run. Save it or use it?
Rob, that reminds me - Am I supposed to drain the gas/oil out of the lawnmower for the winter?
I've always drained the gas every fall. One year I drained the oil in the fall, but then I forgot to fill it up again the first time I used it the next spring. An engine seizing up and tearing itself to pieces makes an awful racket :) So now I just leave the oil in over the winter...
Thanks for the advice!
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