The black cat lives diagonally across the street. He's a rowdy little thing - last night he was doing a hinky boogie-shuffle across the road, skittering sideways and jumping at leaves. That's The Runt hunkered down on the right. They do a lot of posing, but I haven't seen any actual fights yet. I think they're just trying to sort out territory - some of the neighborhood cats cut through my backyard to go hunt in the woods.
Oh, and some good news - both of the cats finally figured out the pet door! Amazingly enough, The Runt was the first to go in and out, and now Little Girl has it down as well, although she still prefers to sit by the door and meow until I open it for her. She reminds me of my sister Ditzy - why do the work yourself when you can sweet-talk someone else into doing it for you?
My boy kitty is still trying to figure out the dominance situation around my neighborhood. In the meantime, there is a lot of growling and poofy tails. I'm glad the cats figured out the door. Did you have to help them out or did they do it on their own?
I do admit to kind of ... well ..... "assisting" them through the door a few times - but really it just amounted to letting them figure it out. They're pretty smart when left to their own devices.
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