Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I know it's fall .......

...... because I can't stop eating.

Cookies, lasagna, popcorn, salad, chips, steak, cheese, veggies, crackers ..... it really doesn't matter what. I'm just an eating machine.

And this would be worrying, except that I go through this every year. The days get shorter and the nights get colder, and my body decides that it's time to eat. All the time.

And just about the time that I start to think I'm going to be facing a pretty stiff weight gain, and I start to worry that this year I won't stop eating, it ends. Oh, I mean, I still eat, I'm just not eating like I'll never see food again.

I go through it again in December, although it's hard to tell how much of that is my body stocking up and how much of that is Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's and Holy God It's Cold Outside So I'll Make A Huge Pot Of Food.

So it's fall, and I'm eating. Keep your hands and feet away from my mouth, is all I'm sayin'.


inflammatory writ said...

I eat my face off as soon as the temp goes below 80. Meaning, I eat my face off pretty much 10 of 12 months. :)

3carnations said...

So you hibernate, then? :-)

rockygrace said...

inflammatory, you overachiever you!

and 3carnations, hibernation sounds like a FINE idea. Sleep from mid-November to, say, April. If I could just figure out a way to keep collecting a paycheck, I'd be all set.

Anonymous said...

At first, I was glad to read this because I've been eating everything in sight. Yes, the perfect excuse! But I have to wonder if this still works when the fall weather is identical to the summer weather. And the winter weather too.