I was born in 1962; you do the math. (See also: I'm too lazy to remember to update this thing regularly.) I bought my first house in the summer of 2009; I share it with four cats and with the memories of The Runt and Little Girl, who both passed away in 2011. Rocky, the cat for whom this blog was named, passed away in 2008; I miss them all. I wish I lived somewhere where the winters weren't eight months long; other than that, life is good.
Seriously? I know me. And I know that between now and next spring, I will have totally forgotten what the poison ivy on the edge of my property looks like. Thus, a visual aid:
I think I'll put that up as my screensaver. Just to make sure.
Um, I'm pretty sure that's not poison ivy. PI leaves are very smooth. Those leaves look coarse. PI stems are smooth, except where they touch a surface they will grow rootlets in a line from either side of the stem. If you see hairs, stickers, thorns, or anything like that all around the stems, it's not PI - more likely some kind of bramble, wild raspberry, or wild rose.
Lots of good photos of PI and not-PI here: http://poisonivy.aesir.com/view/picqna.html?func=viewQNA&did=1175&wid=486
1 comment:
Um, I'm pretty sure that's not poison ivy. PI leaves are very smooth. Those leaves look coarse. PI stems are smooth, except where they touch a surface they will grow rootlets in a line from either side of the stem. If you see hairs, stickers, thorns, or anything like that all around the stems, it's not PI - more likely some kind of bramble, wild raspberry, or wild rose.
Lots of good photos of PI and not-PI here: http://poisonivy.aesir.com/view/picqna.html?func=viewQNA&did=1175&wid=486
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