And my first thought was, "Really? You really wear your S&M shoes to run errands?"
I couldn't help but notice that she was having a hard time actually, you know, walking, what with the four-inch stiletto heels and all. Not very practical when you're just dashing in to pick up some toilet paper and dog food.
And then I noticed more women, out and about, proudly tottering through the grocery store and the RiteAid in their stripper shoes.
And I mean, it's a free country and all, but is this really some new trend? Because it kind of scares me. For one thing, I cannot effectively walk in anything taller than about a two-and-a-half inch heel. For another thing, I think these shoes are just ....... well ....... a little inappropriate for daytime wear. If you know what I mean.
What's that? Why yes, yes, I am a kabillion years old. Thanks for asking!
Yes, I've noticed this happening in Scotland too. They are wearing inappropriate footwear to work. WORK! Fake animal fur, etc.
I just think it's very, very strange.
It's hard for me to know what the trends are because I'm always finding myself surrounded by 18-22-year-old college students, and they rarely wear anything resembling classy. I did see a girl today wearing really high heels and walking through a part of the campus that is not particularly well-paved. I passed her up in no time flat in my sneakers :)
My word verification? ditickle.
I think they're doing it in some vain attempt to remain cool. But really, how cool can ou be in your sweats and stripper heels at CrapMart?
I triple dog dare you to walk through a Famous Footwear or DSW in New Jersey. It looks like a scene from "Kinky Boots".
You can buy purple metallic faux snakeskin 5" heels on a 1" platform, but you'll never find a simple pair of nice brown pumps with a stack heel. Sigh.
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