Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Mmmmmmm ....... pine scented .........

Yesterday when I got home from work I let the kittens out to play. They played for a while, then came in and ate, then went back out and played, and then The Runt came back in, but no Little Girl. After a while I went out to check on her. I could hear her meowing, but I couldn't see her.

As it turns out, the reason that I couldn't see her is because she was about sixty feet up a neighbor's pine tree.

I went to the base of the tree and called to her, and she would meow piteously, but she wouldn't budge. The tree is huge and it has a ton of closely-spaced branches, so I knew she could get down if she tried.

I kept going out to the tree, and calling, and she'd meow, but she wouldn't come down. It was awful - she was meowing so loud I could hear her from inside the apartment, but still she wouldn't move.

Finally, after a couple of hours and after it had been dark out for a while, she showed up at my door, covered with pine sap but none the worse for wear.

At least now I know she can get down. But I swear these cats are gonna give me heart failure.


Unknown said...

And sticky, too. Wait until she comes out from under the couch looking like a big dustbunny.

rockygrace said...

Oh, I know! My new cleaning tool - sap-covered kitten.