Thursday, September 04, 2008

Click Right Here

I have been staying out of the political fray, mostly because just thinking about the Republicans possibly winning this election makes me angry. How anyone with a modicum of intelligence could vote for John f*cking McCain is beyond me. (Sorry, Exador. Can we still be friends? Agree to disagree, and all that?)

But today, Chez at Deus Ex Malcontent has encapsulated my feelings perfectly. Please head over there and read this post. And after that, if you still want to vote for McCain/Palin, I am well and truly baffled.

The thing that gets me about this current crop of Republicans is that they would have you believe that being smart is bad. That being smart is somehow wrong. WTF?

Thanks, Chez, for saying it better than I ever could.


Exador said...

It's not so much a vote for McCain as a vote against Obama.

Rather than refute all the points on that screed, go here and compare their views.

rockygrace said...

I'll check it out!