Monday, April 07, 2014

Ponyboy Update: Pony Pooped!

Oh lord, I've become that person, haven't I.  The one who talks about her cat's bowel movements on her blog.

 ANYway, Pony's painkiller-induced constipation was relieved by mineral oil (mixed in with his food - don't ever give a cat straight mineral oil), and *I* was relieved to see a massive poop in his litterbox this morning.

One step at a time, peeps.

And speaking of stepping, Pony is walking.  Like a drunk reeling out of a bar at 3 a.m., but he can walk.  His gait should improve with time. 

Of course, he is being kept crated for healing purposes, but I do let him out a few times a day to stretch, and he takes full advantage.  He is able to put weight on that leg, and even use the scratching post with it.

He'll be crated for the next week, and then, once his sutures are removed, he'll be kept in an empty room for several weeks.  No furniture, because the vet does not want him trying to jump up/down, which trust me, we have already had some close calls when he was out for a stretch.  Cat wants to MOVE, is what I'm saying.

He's doing very well.

Anybody want to come help me move some furniture?


James P. said...

Maybe we could come help if you promise not to elaborate on the cat-goes-to-the-bathroom situation........He sounds more capable physically that I was expecting, considering the injuries!....Ginny

rockygrace said...

Ginny, I felt like taking a PICTURE of that darned thing.

And yeah, he is motoring around as much as I will let him. Keeping him confined for the next several weeks, and keeping him from getting bored silly, is going to be a challenge. I'll have to put my thinking cap on ...

Domestic Kate said...

You should build him this! (but single-level obvi)

rockygrace said...

Kate, I love that!