Friday, April 04, 2014

Look who's home

Yeah, I'm going to keep the heat turned up in that room - poor bare boy.  He's in a big dog crate, so there's a litterbox in there, and food and water, and some soft spaces to relax.

He's on some pretty heavy-duty painkillers, and will be for the next week.  He is being so damn sweet about the whole thing - I think he's just relieved to be out of the hospital at this point.  And it looks like the nerve damage won't be an issue - earlier tonight, he was making biscuits with the paw that was knuckling just two days earlier.

Sweet Ponyboy.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby...any way you could persuade him to be an indoor kitty guy?

James P. said...

Well, bless his heart. It HAS to be a relief to him to be home.....makes it much easier to be in "stir" with everything/everybody that he is used to being around.

James P. said...

Also, will the sedation/painkillers keep him from gnawing on his stitches?

~~Silk said...

No cast? Poor pony. Maybe the other cats will bring mice and birds in for him.

rockygrace said...

Kris, I would not be surprised if Pony himself decided that indoors was best from now on.

Ginny, yeah, the hospital had lots of barking dogs, so I'm sure he's relieved to come home with his comrades. And the vet seemed to think that stitch-licking would not be a problem, so he didn't send him home with a Cone of Shame. So far, he's leaving them alone.

And ~~Silk, now I'm picturing a little shrine at the base of Pony's crate, with appropriate offerings.