Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Survey SAYS ...

... Dengue Fever.

Haaaaaa, not really, it's C-diff. 


Doc-lite called me last night to give me the news, and he's all serious, but luckily I knew enough not to be too freaked out, thanks to what you guys already told me, i.e., CURABLE, which is the operative word with any disease, as far as I'm concerned, and he's, all, "I'll call the prescription into your pharmacy now," and I'm, all, "Okay, thanks, I'll pick it up in the morning," and HE'S all, "No, no, you really should start this tonight," and I'm all, FINE, I'll go drive down to the drugstore TONIGHT, jeez, so then I get there, and he'd called in the prescrip with the wrong date of birth, thankyouverymuch, so I STILL don't have my prescrip.

I'll tell you what, health care around here is about as well-organized as a car full of drunken frat boys.

So now I'm supposed to call my REGULAR health care provider, and THAT ought to be a fun phone call.  "Oh hai!  Remember me?  The one you told that there was a lot of this going around, and it was cool to tough it out?  Guess what!  It's C-DIFF, motherf*cker!  How do you like me NOW?" 

Ha.  I need to get some "C-diff for the win" t-shirts printed up.

Oh, and I just tried calling my doc, and nobody picked up the phone.


So yeah, Flagyl it is, and I hope it's not too damn expensive, because while I DO have health insurance, I DO NOT have prescription coverage, so ... it's a good thing I got that raise, huh?  hahahahahaha sob.

I'll keep you guys posted.


James P. said...

(Stunned silence.)

Was really hoping it would be something simpler. And all this is because Petey bit through the (lace) gloves and the antibiotic affected you too much. Really sorry.


the queen said...

Fucking cdiff. You get all the cool stuff.

James P. said...

Yeah, what the queen said.....This reminds me of the kids who actually had original and impressive material for Show and Tell.

rockygrace said...

Ginny, I think this is going to go down as one of the most expensive cat bites in history.

Oh, and the rescue group for which I made this grand sacrifice is going down in flames, today, in public, all over facebook. Sheesh ...

queen, ya want it? We can make arrangements ... (KIDDING oh I am KIDDING)

ANYhow, I passed the first test. I took my first dose of Flagyl and was able to tolerate it. (There are a lot of antibiotics I can't take without getting violently ill, Zithro-whateveritis being the most prominent example.)

Okay, gotta get back to the crazy-cat-lady facebook drama ... dudes, what am I going to DO with my weekends without having feral cats to wrestle? ;)

~~Silk said...

Link! Link! We need facebook link!

James P. said...

I was trying to maintain some dignity, but YEAH, let's have some details on this meltdown mess with the cat folks......(If Silk isn't going to maintain dignity about it, then the rest of us need not worry!)..........Ginny

rockygrace said...

Dudes, I ... I can't. There's a possibility that I may end up volunteering with some of these people in a diffent setting in the near future. It's a small town.

Suffice it to say, it involves misappropriation of funds, marital woe, and all the standard stuff that comes up when you get a bunch of drama-queen menopausal women set at each other's throats.

All of the cats are safe.

rockygrace said...

oh, and if you're really bloodthirsty, is always a prime source for online roman coliseum-style teardowns.

James P. said...

Who will be playing you in the TV movie?

James P. said...

(Seems like you could give us the plot outline of this latest drama and label the characters A,B,C, etc. What? Oh, no, we have no lives.)

fmcgmccllc said...

I just read a story in the news that really shows some people at their worst and of course this group has a FB page that is gonna get blown up. Those FB pages are great until real life happens and everybody joins in the bloodbath.

rockygrace said...

Ginny, I had a HUGE crush on Melissa Gilbert when I was a kid, so I'll go with her.

and fmcetc., I am always AMAZED at what people will put up on facebook. I view facebook as a culling tool for employers, and post accordingly.

p.s. Sorry I haven't posted anything new here in a couple of days. I'm just ... wiped.

James P. said...

Sorry I am getting caught up in stuff and forgetting that you feel so rotten. Hope it's just a matter of recovering strength now.......Ginny

rockygrace said...

Thanks, Ginny.