Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Movies I haven't seen

A while back, somebody was blogging about popular movies they had somehow missed.  If I could remember who it was, I'd link to it, but I can't remember, so if it was you, feel free to chime in.

Anyway, me + movies = not so much.  I mean, I LIKE a good movie as much as the next person, but I just don't have the time or the patience to sit through two or three hours of movie.  It can take me two or three DAYS to get through one of my Netflix movies, one fifteen-minute chunk at a time.  And I think a movie kind of loses something when you're watching it piece-by-piece instead of all the way through.

So I got thinking about popular movies that I've never seen.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off - I have never liked Matthew Broderick.  EVER. I feel fairly confident in saying that I will never watch this movie.  I have nothing against the genre - I loved Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and even Dazed and Confused has grown on me over time, but Ferris?  Nah.

Avatar.  Every time I watch an animated movie, I feel somehow embarrassed, like I'm watching something that is supposed to be reserved for kids.  I did watch Wall-E, and The Iron Giant, and I think I even watched Finding Nemo once, and every time, I felt disgusted with myself.  I am not four.  I do not watch cartoons.  Sheesh.  (Although I did read the comics in the newspaper until well into middle age.  I don't know why.  It was just ... habit.  But once The Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes went away, I stopped reading them.  "Zits" and "Cathy" and "Crankshaft"?  no thanks.  Although I will admit to checking in with The Comics Curmudgeon on line.)

The Godfather.  Goodfellas.  Scarface.  Any mob movie ever.  Violent a**holes being violent?  Nope. 
Although I was faaaaascinated by Pulp Fiction, so go figure.

How bout you?  Any popular movies that you've missed?  Any popular movies that you've seen and then wished you HADN'T watched?


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I saw Avatar, long after everyone else did and all of the raving got to me.. I was so disgusted with the movie.. I was sorry I spent my time watching it.. the whole "those with money have the power and will steam roll over anyone who has anything they want" mentality..

not that the human race isn't fraught with that, I mean even now countries and peoples in South Africa are about to lose the indigenous population because they want the oil..

I do watch cartoons, but not all of them. I like that they can tell a story in a way you just couldn't with live action.

rockygrace said...

Glad I skipped that one, Tails.

Everyone was raving about the animation, and I don't know - To me, a cartoon is a cartoon.

rockygrace said...

I mean, obviously, some cartoons are more detailed than others, but still ... meh.

Becs said...

I kinda sorta liked "Avatar" but for far different reasons than 99% of the other people in the world. Please don't ask me to explain.

I just watched "Zero Dark Thirty" last night and that's two hours of my life I will never get back and I resent it.

rockygrace said...

Zero Dark Thirty - Is that the one where the first part of the movie is a dude getting exploded by an IED? I got that far and switched it off.

the queen said...

Avatar is CGI, not animation. Think of it as smeagal in LOTR but without character and plot.

spiffi said...

Avatar was a *pretty* movie...but the plot was ridiculous and heavy handed and I walked out shaking my head.

I don't see a lot of movies - I attribute most of that to having Tivo, and thus not watching commercials, which means I don't see movie trailers and rarely know what movies are even playing.

I did see the Avengers tho, and having caught up on the Iron Man movies via dvd, I do plan to try to get to Iron Man 3 while it's in the theatres :)

Domestic Kate said...

I love movies, but I hate hype. I haven't seen Avatar for this reason. I also haven't seen any of the Harry Potter movies (or read the books) for that reason. Twilight? Do I need to say it? I tried watching Scarface but it was long and boring. Same goes for The Godfather. No thanks. I'm sure there are others, but I have no regrets.

rockygrace said...

queen, what's the difference between CGI and animation? One uses computers, and the other is hand-drawn? I guess I never thought about it before.

spiffi, I saw the first Iron Man. I kind of have a love-hate thing going on with Robert Downey Jr., so I don't know if I'll see the others.

and Kate, I'm pretty sure I can safely say that I will never, ever see Twilight. Unless I'm being held prisoner someplace and they use it as punishment.

That said, I *did* watch The Hunger Games. But ONLY because I like Jennifer Lawrence! Ha. Yeah, I like her so much I keep getting her mixed up with Jennifer Garner. Oops!

Domestic Kate said...

Oh, I lied. I watched about 20 minutes of Twilight on one of the Spanish channels :/

rockygrace said...

Kate, I would watch ANYthing on a Spanish channel. I DREAM of the day the local cable provider starts carrying Univision.

~~Silk said...

I just don't "do" current movies any more. I did see Avatar. I agree with many of the others that I didn't like the plot, not because it was bad, but because it showed Earthlings as ugly. Unfortunately, if you pay any attention to what's going on in the world, it's true, and we don't like to have truth shoved into our faces.

That said, I found the beginning boring, and the ending annoying. But the middle, when the avatar was learning about the planet and the residents, was absolutely beautiful! Painfully beautiful. I don't have the words to describe it. I never wanted to leave it. However, it MUST MUST MUST be seen in 3-D. Flat just won't do it.

If there was any possibility that flat would convey the beauty, I'd recommend that you rent it, skim through the beginning and skip the end, and immerse yourself in the middle, for the soaring feeling it gives you.