Wednesday, May 15, 2013

All worship at the foot of God

Actually, it was just a new cat toy.

They don't know the difference.


James P. said...

Can't see enough of this toy to understand how it works.....or what the attraction is.


rockygrace said...

It's called a Fling-ama-String, and it attaches to a doorknob - A piece of elastic moves on a loop within the toy, flinging out a piece of attached ribbon once a revolution for the cats to pounce on. On slow speed they're amused by it, and on fast speed they lose their little minds.

Anonymous said...

SIX kitties??!


rockygrace said...

Yep, six. Two have been adopted, and the rest are currently at the adoption center, waiting for their new familes.

Good to hear from you, Pauline!