Monday, March 04, 2013

It's nice to hear

I was at the adoption center this past weekend, out front with one of the cats.  A passing shopper paused, touched my arm, and said, "You're doing a good thing."


Every so often, I get a comment like that.  "Thank you for what you're doing."  "You're making a difference."  Even, "God bless you", which, hey, I'm an atheist, but if you want to bestow your god's blessings on me, I'm down with that.

And while I certainly don't need the praise, it's nice to hear once in a while.  I mean, I'm standing out there like an idiot, hour after hour, chatting with people and answering their questions and showing them cats and even walking the cats on leashes (well, the mellower ones, anyway).  And sometimes I feel like the world's craziest cat lady, or some kind of chump, volunteering all these unpaid hours.  And then someone comes along and says, "Thanks",  and I don't feel so bad.

It kind of balances out the other comments.  "I can't stand to see cats in cages." (ME NEITHER, LADY.)  "I can't BELIEVE how much you charge for a stupid stray cat."  (It's eighty-five bucks, dude.  You spent more than that on weed last week.)  "The Chinese restaurant called - they'll take all the cats you have."  (HA HA HARRRRRRR.) 

And it helps to make up for the scratches (my hands look like I plunged them into a rose bush) and the hisses (we have a cat right now who HISSES at any passer-by, including small children, which is a big hit as you can imagine) and the cats who fight tooth and nail to prevent being put back into their cage.

So yeah, if you see someone busting their butt out there volunteering, it's okay to say "thank you".  It's nice to hear.


Becs said...

Thank you for doing that. I tried but I'm so weak-willed that I ended up with 14 cats.

Plus you have extraordinary patience to deal with the people who run rescues and shelters. I know from experience what nightmares these can be.

So, yes. Thank you. Thank you very, very much.

rockygrace said...

Aww, Becs, thanks for taking care of all of your crew. I'm sorry for your loss of Boris.

And yeah, the crazy cat people are corkers. The woman who runs the adoption center flings herself in front of the cages whenever someone dares to walk a dog past. Nutcase.