Friday, March 08, 2013

Such! Excitement!

So!  Last night around ten o'clock, I'm wrapping things up, getting ready to head for bed, when I see lights reflected on my living room walls. 

Red and blue lights.

"What the ..." I wondered, and pulled aside the living room curtains, to discover three fire engines, five emergency response vehicles, and a cop car pulled up in front of my house.

Turns out my neighbor B., he of the dipshit variety, had started tinkering with his gas furnace, got into trouble, got scared, and called 911.

The 911 operator, evidently thinking that ol' B. was about to blow up the neighborhood, sent everything she had.

Thankfully, the neighborhood did not explode, and I am beginning to think that ol' B. may not be long for the nursing home.

And!  ALSO last night, I got a call.  There was a cat! emergency!  One of the cats at the adoption center had gotten sick and needed to be pulled out, pronto.  Could I keep her in my spare bedroom for a few days while she recovered?

Yep.  Sure.  As of this morning, pretty Miss Allie is gracing my spare bedroom, with her meds in my fridge.  Welcome, Allie.  I was actually really glad to get her, because she has been struggling at the adoption center, and I think she could use a few days of R&R.

And!  In breaking news of the much better kind, this Sunday will mark the one year anniversary of Pony and Soda coming to live with me.  Maaaaan, has it been a year already?  Time flies when you get old, I guess. 

Any big news in your neighborhood?


Domestic Kate said...

A year with your cats! It doesn't seem like it's been that long.

In my neighborhood, the big news is that the stairs that were super convenient for all the apartment dwellers here to use to go to the community college have been permanently closed. Students, classy as always, wrote nasty replies on the posted signs and even broke a fence so they could get through. Cooler heads have prevailed, though, when the college decided to simply open another gate a little ways down.

rockygrace said...

Stair drama! Oh my goodness. :)