Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Maybe I'm overthinking this

Okay, so, there's a quote going around right now, sometimes attributed to Katie Couric, but I think it originally came from Madeleine Albright, which says,

"There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."

And at first I was all, "YEAH!  Girl power!  Booya!"

But then I was all, like, "Um ... ALL women?  Do I have to help a person just because she's a woman?"  Because there are some women out there that I do not care for all that much, personally.  Sarah Palin springs immediately to mind.  Do I have to help out Sarah Palin because I'm a woman and so is she?

And THEN I was all, like, "What if the quote said, "There's a special place in hell for white people who don't help other white people"?   Is that okay?  But wait, white people are generally considered to be not in need of help.  Okay, so, what if the quote was, "There's a special place in hell for disabled people who don't help other disabled people"?

Again, not ALL disabled people are nice people.  Do other disabled people have to help THEM, just because they're in the same boat, so to speak?  And hell?  Really?  If I decline to help another woman (or disabled person, or whatever), I'm going to HELL?  That seems a little ... harsh.

I don't know, guys, maybe I'm reading this completely wrong.  What do you think?


Birdie said...

Damn. Now I am over thinking it!

rockygrace said...

I know, right, Birdie?

And now I'm thinking, well, maybe she meant women in general, like, if you were the woman president of some country, you shouldn't sign a law that says women can only make 50% of what men make for the same job. A woman-kind type of thing.

'cause I still ain't helpin' Sarah Palin.

Birdie said...

And what about a woman who will do harm to you? There are women out there that are involved in addiction and will hurt anyone to fulfil that addiction.

It is a silly statement.

~~Silk said...

There are a lot of women who spend a lot of time and energy obstructing, tearing down, and denigrating other women for the sole reason that they are women, and are therefore seen as competition. I think it's trying to say, "Stop that! In fact, tilt the other direction a bit! We all need all the help we can get!" which is true and admirable. But that's not a very quotable quote. In making the quote catchy, it was made silly.

Which reminds me -- what was the outcome of that snipe battle you were having with that attacker a few weeks back?

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, in the end, we just kind of moved out of each other's orbits. I did give some people a heads-up, and I think that person is headed for a pretty major fall, but I'm not going to be directly responsible.

I just kind of wanted to get away from it, you know? That level of OMG-DRAMA is hard to sustain. For me, anyway.

rockygrace said...

and yeah, I think "Let's help each other along" sounds a lot better than, "You're going to HELL if you don't help me." I ain't got time for that sh*t.