Monday, November 12, 2012

Am I a racist?

So, the other day, I was chatting with someone, and somehow my cats came up in the conversation; specifically, my black cat, who is named Sodapop.

"Isn't that racist?," the person I was chatting with asked.

"Um ....," I said, "is WHAT racist?"

"Well," she said, "You named a black cat Sodapop, like Coca-Cola, which is black."

And I mean, she was just honestly curious.  And I was mortified to think that I might have given one of my cats a name that would imply I was a racist.

"Oh!," I said.  "I've never thought of it that way!"  Because I hadn't.  "Well, um ... Coke is actually brown, right?  And Sodapop was named after a character in a book - The Outsiders.  I have another cat named Ponyboy, which is also a name from that same book."

"Oh," she said.  "I get it. That's okay, then."

I mean ... really?  What if I'd named him "Blackie"?  Hoo boy.  I dunno.  I think she's overthinking this stuff.

Hmmm.  Maybe I should re-name Tinks, my white cat, "Cracker".  Just to even it out. *ducks*

And speaking of white cats, a lot of people who adopt white cats name them "Snowball", which,  ha!  All I can think of when I hear "Snowball" is the movie Clerks.  And then I snicker.  Yeesh.  I'm pretty sure Clerks ruined the name Snowball for pets.

Okay.  Let's talk cat names.  What's the funniest/weirdest/best cat name you've got?


~~Silk said...

That woman is nuts. Cola is black (first nuttiness), and that makes it racist (second nuttiness)? I don't understand.

My black and black tuxedo cats have been Smokey, and Siddy Kitty (short for Obsidian), the Russian blue was Suzy, her black daughter was Peggy Duchess of Wool, and her tabby son was Tigger. My very feminine long hair gray tuxedo was Miss Thunderfoot. Current kitty is Jasper, because he insisted that was his name.

Birdie said...

WTF? I think she has some issues. I knew exactly why you named him Sodapop.

People are strange.

Becs said...

Let's see. It's a very long list, you know, but I think the unique name among my many cats was for

George Bunny Brindley-Flopsy

1. When I got him as a kitten, I said I would love him and pet him and call him George.
2. He hopped like a wabbit.
3. I remembered a girl in one of my favorite childhood books had a rabbit called Brindley Flopsy.

George has been waiting at The Bridge since 1994. He was a sweetie. But they all are/were.

Anonymoose said...

You know, there are some people who just look for an insult where there's no possible insult at all. ~~Silk is right, your coworker is nutty. Also, I am drinking Diet Coke right now, and it looks reddish brown to me.

Were you at all tempted to say "I thought about naming him 'Negro', but it really doesn't roll off the tongue" just to see her ramp up into a tizzy?

Tizzy would be a good kitten name. Just saying.

Becs said...

Or Kizzy. Or Kunta Kinte. Or Chicken George.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, I am SO GLAD you are safe and sound. And Peggy Duchess of Wool is an excellent name. Along with Miss Thunderfoot, of course.

Birdie, I am glad to know I'm not a racist. I was a little worried, there.

Becs, I LOVE the name George for a cat, for precisely that reason. And one of the rescues for which I volunteer has a kitten who hops.

and Anonymoose, yeah, I was wondering if she'd have been happy if I'd named him African-American. Afam for short. Ha.

Oh crap, please tell me that I didn't just get in trouble again, there. African-American is a FINE name for a cat. FINE.

Becs, Kunta Kinte? Now you're just TRYING to get me in trouble. Jeez. :)