Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Little Introspection Can Be a Dangerous Thing

I was in line at the post office, waiting to buy stamps for my Christmas cards. The choices this year are "nutcracker" (kinda weird-looking and scary nutcrackers, if you ask me, but then again, aren't all nutcrackers kinda weird-looking and scary?), and a portrayal of the Madonna and Child. (And why are the Christmas stamps always lame? Postal Service, get on that, would ya?)

I was thinking, "those nutcrackers are scary; maybe I should go with the Madonna/Child", but then I thought, "well, I'm not religious, so Madonna/Child is probably not the best choice", and then it hit me:

Wait a minute! Why am I, a non-religious person, even sending out Christmas cards to begin with? As far as that goes, should I even be putting up a tree? Or decorating the porch?

And then I thought, "well, you can still celebrate Christmas without being religious, right?"

Um, well, technically, ......... no. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be a Christian in order to celebrate Christmas.

But I'm gonna do it anyway. The cards, the tree, the whole nine yards - because it's a tradition that I enjoy, and it helps get me through the winter.

"Hypocrite" - it's my middle name.

Oh! And it's not to0 late to get your card! (hee!) Hurry hurry!


Danger said...

Just celebrate the pagan bits!

rockygrace said...

but does that mean I've gotta ditch the creche? Nooooo.....

Exador said...

Is it Madonna with that little girl with the unibrow? Is Guy Richie in these?

All the good christmas traditions are pagan in origin, so go to town.

rockygrace said...

Ewwww, Ex, just ..... ewwwww.

And yes, I'm a-gonna go to town.

Unknown said...

I do it all up. Lights, tree, doo-dads...and I'm not Christian in any meaningful way (as I found out today when I was talking to my daughter about the history of how the dude Jesus went from being somebody about whom people argued about and few thought was divine to somebody who one HAD TO believe was part of a triune high god or else you were a know, like about 350 years after he died...yeah, the whole Arian controversy...what else do ten-year-olds want to talk about on the ride to school?)

So, I'm a big ol' historian-infidel who would rather see where the argument takes me than be told what I must believe. But ornaments and sparkly lights are fun.

baseballmom said...

Hahahaha! Your card with the scary nutcracker stamp is on the way, Rockycat!!! How funny-I was thinking as I put them on the cards that they picked some awfully crabby looking nutcrackers for the stamps.

rockygrace said...

Bridgett - I'm with you - yay for sparkly lights. And thanks for the history lesson!

And Baseballmom, your card is also on its way, complete with evil nutcracker.

Anonymous said...

When I bought stamps, they didn't even have the holiday ones yet. So, mine are just the liberty bell ones. Bells are kind of holiday-ish right?

I don't celebrate the birth of Christ; I celebrate having good friends and loved ones. If I wanted to celebrate Jesus' birthday, wouldn't I buy him presents?