I was born in 1962; you do the math. (See also: I'm too lazy to remember to update this thing regularly.) I bought my first house in the summer of 2009; I share it with four cats and with the memories of The Runt and Little Girl, who both passed away in 2011. Rocky, the cat for whom this blog was named, passed away in 2008; I miss them all. I wish I lived somewhere where the winters weren't eight months long; other than that, life is good.
I saw this plant (the one in the center of the pic, with the red berry-things) in the woods a couple of weeks ago. It's about four inches tall. I had no idea what it was, and when I looked it up I was really surprised. Care to hazard a guess?
I give up. What is it? I can tell you what bittersweet looks like!
It's the fruit of a jack-in-the-pulpit! Honestly, I didn't even know they had a "fruit" stage. So tell me, what does bittersweet look like?
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