Thursday, April 12, 2007

Not for the Faint of Heart

Rocky's fine. Whew. I took him to the vet last night about that weird goo thing under his eyelid, and ..... fibrous conjectival mass, anyone? Grrrroooss. The vet conjectured (because Rocky's not talkin') that he (Rocky, not the vet) was duking it out with another cat, and that cat snagged one of his claws up under Rocky's eyelid (yikes) causing a laceration. The laceration healed, but there was a small flap of skin left over (gross) which was still attached to the eyelid, but just barely. So the vet gets a clampy thing and some scissors, and with me and the vet tech holding onto Rocky, the vet clamped onto the goo, pulled it away from the eye area (shiver), and was fumbling for the scissors when Rocky jerked his head back. And ..... the goo thing stttrrreettched from Rocky's eye to the clamps, which were now about 6" away from Rocky's head. At this point (sorry folks, the post title shoulda warned you) I had to look away, so I'm not sure exactly what happened next, but about two seconds later the goo thing was resting comfortably in the vet's scissors and Rocky was all, La La LAA! This is fun!

So Rocky's all better. Whew. But I think I may be having nightmares about eyes and stretchy goo masses for a long time to come.

Update: P.S.: I love this vet's office - shout out to Day Hollow Animal Hospital! They're out in the sticks, so they do horses, cows, dogs, cats, the whole nine yards. If I had taken Rocky to some fancy-shmancy vet office in town, they would have been all, "well, we'll have to keep him overnight for observation, then we'll have to anesthetize him, then we'll operate, blah, blah, blah ...." My vet? Grabs the clamps and scissors and goes to town.

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