Monday, April 09, 2007

Les Miserables

Please, don't be misled by the post title - this is not about Jabba the Hutt, I promise!

Right now I am reading Les Miserables during my lunchtime at work, and I'm really enjoying it, even though it's about 5,000 pages long and will take me about a million lunchtimes to finish. I have nothing against great big fat books; in fact, I really enjoy them, as long as they're interesting. War and Peace? Snore. The main problem I have with War and Peace was everybody had those Russian last names which were about 25 letters long, plus everybody had two or three nicknames, so I never knew who the hell the author was talking about. I should have used a cheat sheet. You know: Victor Nabidovakomkov = Victor Nastaiasa = Vick Blasidonokova. It might have helped.

I got some watercolors done over the weekend. Easter Sunday it was too cold/windy to go for a walk (hello, snow on Easter!), and all of the stores were closed, and I'm not religious = big fat snore. So I did some watercolors of hyacinths and sunflowers (now you're snoring), and finished up a tulip picture for my mom so I could take it to her when I went up to my sister's for Easter dinner. Which was yummy.

So, that's my boring life right now. Did anybody do anything interesting/alarming/worthy of the six o'clock news over the weekend?


bridgett said...

None of my family is religious -- though my kid would attend any church if she thought it meant getting to wear a flouncy dress. As you know, it snowed here so we stayed indoors and hid plastic eggs all over the house for her to find. And then hid them again. And again. And about fifty more times, until going out to shovel looked like a good option only there wasn't quite enough of it. She ramped up on Easter candy, so her normal go-go-go energy was more like go-Go-GO. We cooked a big meal and ate it while watching a downloaded copy of the 1952 World Series (Game 7), which was way cool for the historical types and somewhat interesting for the kid (though she kept jumping up and dancing to burn off some sugar). And then we dyed eggs. It was pretty nice. I would have enjoyed a little painting, though.

Exador said...

I attempted to do my taxes, but with my wife's new LLC, I ended up throwing furniture and screaming a rant about how all this bullshit is just to make THOSE FUCKERS rich. I think I was referring to congressmen, but I was speaking in tongues at that point, so I can't be sure.
My wife pulled a gun and made me step away from TurboTax. We went to a bar and I felt like hell the next morning. I'll be filing an extension and handing it all to an accountant.