Monday, December 07, 2015

Georgia update!

You may remember Georgia, one of my most recent foster campers.  I posted about her here.  She was my little special-needs kitten; due to suspected neurological deficits, she pranced when she walked, and she had balance issues.  But she was a little sweetie and cute as a button, and when a local college professor wanted to adopt her and one of the other rescue cats at one of our events, I was very happy.  I spent quite some time with the adopter, making sure she knew all about Georgia's issues, and she was eager to help Georgia reach her full potential, whatever that may be.

And I'm fairly certain that Georgia was relieved to leave Foster Camp. She never really was a fan of hats.

We always ask that adopters send us updates on how their new pets are doing, but they rarely do.  I understand; people get busy, and the world moves on.  But it IS difficult, sometimes, to send all these cats out into the great wide beyond and never know how they're making out.

So needless to say, I was very happy when Georgia's new family sent pics.

 Here she is, with one of her new playmates:

Gee, I dunno, she looks kind of stressed.  NOT:

Here is Henrietta, the other rescue cat who was adopted with Georgia, and she looks similarly stressed in her new digs:

Happy endings. I love 'em.


James P. said...

The updates are my favorite posts. (LOVE that lady's classy rug; the bedding, not so much.)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I so love updates.. mine, yours, etc.. so awesome of them to send you pictures

Random Felines said...

LOVE updates....they do both certainly appear to fit right in with their new family :)

rockygrace said...

Ooooh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves updates! I was SO pleased that this family picked special Georgia (and Henrietta, of course) - they're super, super people.