Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The filing cabinet mouse

Yep, there's a mouse in one of my filing cabinets at work.

I first noticed evidence of him about a week ago.  I had left a packet of crackers in my "personal" drawer, and something had chewed through the plastic and eaten part of a cracker. 

Bemused, I put some of the dry cereal I keep at work to snack on in the drawer.  The next day it was gone, and he had thoughtfully left behind some mouse poop pellets.

Next, I put some dry cat food in there.  Gone.  Apple slices?  Check.

At this point I figured that he probably could use a more balanced diet, so I picked up some hamster/gerbil food.  He likes it! Or, well, he eats it, anyway.  He also ate a green bean and a carrot slice from my lunch soup the other day.

Now, I am just guessing that this is a mouse, judging by what he leaves behind.  I've never actually seen him.  And I can't for the life of me figure out how he's getting into and out of a metal filing cabinet, but then again I can't access the back of the cabinet because it's built into my work area.  Maybe the back of it is open?  I dunno.

But I DO know that my cats would laugh me out of the family if they knew I was harboring a mouse in my filing cabinet.


the queen said...

Plural. Mice. You have mice in your drawer. For every mouse you see, there are ten you don't.

Mama D said...

And you are feeding it rather than setting mousetraps WHY, exactly?? ;)

rockygrace said...

queen, really? You think there's more than one? But why don't I ever see them?

and Mama D, I couldn't kill a cute little mouse! (or mice, if the queen is correct.) The only thing I murder with impunity is spiders, because yuck.

~~Silk said...

The country house has lots of mice. I used live traps, then took them for long car rides. I tried to make a pet of one once, kept it in a cage for months, but it got out one day when I was feeding it, and Miss Thunderfoot caught and dismembered it. No more pet mice. When spring comes, your little friend will probably disappear.

rockygrace said...

oh my, ~~Silk, I would have been heartbroken if my cats ate a pet mouse. and yeah, I'm sure he'll head back outside once (IF - ha) it gets warm outside.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

or maybe you have a magic cabinet that makes things disappear..


rockygrace said...

then why doesn't it make my bills disappear, Tails?! I put them in there ...