Monday, August 26, 2013

That time I got my brother busted for trespassing

Yesterday, my brother was in town, and we decided to head up to the schoolhouse. We walked all around and were heading back to the car when this lady came screeching up in a black SUV.

"HEY!" she yelled. "Can't you see this property is POSTED?"

 There was a posted sign on the corner of the building, although it was pretty faded, and you couldn't read the name of the property owner. And the land itself wasn't posted. But I wasn't gonna argue with her. She was pissed.

 "Yes, ma'am," I said. "We just wanted to take a look at the schoolhouse."

 We kept walking toward the car.

"This property is POSTED!" she repeated. "Can't you READ?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said. "We're leaving now."

Posted Lady glared at us from her car, waited until we got in our car, and then FOLLOWED us to make sure we were really leaving.


 Look. I understand posting your property. It's just that around here, it's done almost exclusively to keep uninvited hunters off your land. Or, in the case of the schoolhouse, to keep kids from partying there, I would imagine. Most people who post their land don't care if someone just walks through. And I don't know if the lady who had a hissy fit even OWNED the property, or was just a pissy neighbor.

 In any event, we were in the wrong. We were on posted land. Bad us.

And I'm sure we'll be talking about Posted Lady at family get-togethers for quite some time. As I sing-songed in the car, "I got my brother in TROU-ble! I got my brother in TROU-ble!" And as my sister Ditzy's boyfriend said later, "You went looking for ghosts and found a witch!" Posted Lady. Part of Clark family lore since 2013.


Zella said...
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Zella said...

You are so naughty ! Shame on you !!

[..and I actually made a TYPO in my first comment so had to delete it...shame on me !]

rockygrace said...

A typo? How DARE you?! Ha.

fmcgmccllc said...

The real story is probably that she killed and buried her husband there, started the ghosts rumor and then posted the land.

Her life is consumed with watching the property so no one can discover her grisly deed.

rockygrace said...

You, fmcetc., are a genius.