Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's so purty

Meet the new door:

It's so funny - this morning I kept walking into the living room and going, "Why is the door open?"  Duh.

The trimwork still needs to be finished up, but I think it's safe to say that that's one purty door.

And oh!  The door guy and I got to gabbing while he did the install, and guess what?  Remember that boarded-up building?  The door guy says that it's an abandoned one-room schoolhouse!  And according to the door guy, it's got a tragic past that ties it in with the cemetery and holy cow it's a rip-snorter of a story.  Which I will tell you tomorrow ...



fmcgmccllc said...

Not that there was anything wrong with the old door, but this is a vast improvement which I am sure you will enjoy this winter.

Can't wait for the story.

Domestic Kate said...

Love the new door! My house in Owego was dreadfully dark when we moved in--dark carpet, no windows in the door. I don't know what the builders were thinking!

Can't wait to hear about the school house. Sounds creepy.

Birdie said...

Wow! So much more light! Looks very nice.

rockygrace said...

I'm sure that at some point, when I'm standing in front of the door with a bottle of windex, trying to get all of the smudges off all that glass ... naw. I'm still gonna love that door.

spiffi said...

very nice!

I would love to do something similar - my living room is much brighter and cheerful when I can leave my door open - I have a sliding screen door on it.

However, it's not warm enough outside for me to have it open as much as I would like - and there are definitely times where I am sitting at the computer on the couch, COLD - but dammit, I want the door open!

However, I live in a condo, and everyone's door must be the same...I could get a real screen door with glass in it for the winter - one of my neighbors has one like that...but that requires money and effort, and instead I can just be a little chilly sometimes :)

rockygrace said...

I'm with you, spiffi - the more light, the better.