Thursday, August 08, 2013

Movin' on up

This year, my beloved kiddy pool seemed a little ... well ... cramped.  So I decided to go for the dee-luxe model:

 But wait!  What's that paper in the bottom of the new pool?

Why ... it's an owner's manual!  Just in case you couldn't figure out how to ... set it up?  It's a solid piece of pre-formed plastic.  In case you didn't know how to ... fill it up?  Put hose in pool.  Turn on hose.

Seriously, the entire manual is basically, "Do not leave children unattended.  Do not leave children unattended.  DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN UNATTENDED."

Thanks for the pro tip, pool manufacturer.  Hey, kids!  Come 'ere and take a swim while I go to the store.  Sheesh.



Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

It didn't warn you not to use the plastic bag over your face?? Then how are you still alive???

rockygrace said...

*cough* *wheeze* *cough*

Oh, crap, Tails, you were just in time! Thanks!

fmcgmccllc said...

My favorite was towel holder in the bowling alley. It was the kind with cloth towels and you rolled it around the loop to get a fresh section. It had a warning not to put your head through the loop and hang yourself. I could not imagine how you could be short enough to hang yourself in the bowling alley restroom while being tall enough to put your head through the loop.

rockygrace said...

Well, fmcetc., bowling alleys ARE pretty depressing places ...