Friday, April 12, 2013

Desperate times and all that

A few weeks ago, I set up the deer netting in the gardens.  Last weekend, I monkeyed with elevating the netting, because the bastid deer had figured out that if they stepped on the netting, they could eat the plants through the netting.

Well, the deer were still managing to get to the plants.  So the other night I went to the dolla store and bought laundry baskets - the plastic kind with the holes in them.  I took them home, wrapped them in deer netting (to keep rabbits from squeezing through the holes, doncha know), and plopped them upside down over the plants. 

So far, so good.  My gardens look like the front yard of a trailer, but the plants are safe.  If the deer can figure this one out, I'm gonna cede the war.

Next battle?  The people who are letting their dogs run loose in the no-dogs-allowed park next door.   Dear a**holes:  I DO NOT APPRECIATE your dogs coming to "visit" my yard, leaving giant "presents".  I understand that your dog needs to run.  However, if you wanted a f*cking border collie, you shoulda fenced your yard.  Or, you know, BOUGHT A GOT-DAM LEASH.  Exercising with your pets is fun!  Try it some time!

Coming soon:   How to save a f*ck-ton on flea meds!


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

can't wait for your flea med trick..

this one is mine

rockygrace said...

Yep, that's it. Except I'd always been told NOT to do it with the Frontline - strictly Advantage or Revolution. Live and learn.

There is no way the local shelters and rescues would be able to flea-treat all their animals without using tricks like this.