Friday, June 08, 2012

hahaha oh wait, it gets better - NOW WITH AN UPDATE!

Okay, so the FC wanted me to do a solo meet-and-greet, which I declined. But this afternoon, I went the extra mile, lined up another volunteer to go with me, called the potential adopter, and rearranged my Saturday so I could take two kittens to the potential adopter for a meet-and-greet tomorrow morning.

Twenty minutes ago? I get an email. The potential adopter's landlord allows adult cats, but not kittens. REALLY? You've been contacting our rescue group, wanting to adopt a kitten ASAP HURRY HURRY RIGHT AWAY, and just now you've checked with your landlord to see he'll even allow it?

Oh man. This shit makes me tired.

UPDATED! I just got an email from the FC - would I like to go to a meet-and-greet on Sunday night with one of my fosters and three of hers? You know what I wanted to respond? "Are you high?"

I just ... I like helping out. I do. But this not my whole life. Gah.


Becs said...

Dear RC - Beware compassion burnout! That along with getting tired of being bossed around by alpha female humans is why I dropped out of the whole cat rescue things.

That and ending up with 14 cats...

fmcgmccllc said...

Your FC seems to be clueless.

rockygrace said...

Becs, yeah, I've already told the FC that after this foster litter, I'm taking a break.

and fmcetc., yes, her people skills are a little ... absent.