Tuesday, June 26, 2012

and then I broke my got-dam toe

Okay, okay, it's probably not broken, but maaaaaan, it hurts like a mother.

I was getting ready to feed the cats this morning, and at the same time getting their meds ready. For Soda, it's an antibiotic pill. For Tinks, the same. (Did I mention that a week after Soda got sick, Tinks came down with the SAME THING? No? I forgot to mention it? Sorry, I've been a LITTLE BUSY. Ha. Over the weekend, Tinks was on THREE different meds. Fun.) For Pony, it's his sixty-dollars-a-teeny-bottle (I just can't get over that) eyedrops. (It's seventy dollars when you add in the refrigerated-shipping charges.) (NOT OVER IT.)

So! Okay, I'm getting the cats' breakfast ready, because once I feed and pill them, it's time to get the fosters' food ready, and did I mention that it's five-blessed-thirty in the morning? No? I forgot to mention that? *sigh* THIS is what happens when you have cats AND foster cats AND a full time job.

And oh! There are still three adorable fosters in my spare room, waiting for adoption, if anybody's interested. HINT HINT. Two gray/black tabbies (Kikko and Chobani) and one little white princess (Kamiko). (I DID NOT NAME THESE CATS.) They have been to TWO adoption events so far (there went my weekend) and there are still NO TAKERS, which would be mind-boggling, except for the fact that there are approximately nine million free kittens being advertised on Craigslist right now. Thanks, Kitten Season!

and this train is going off the track now, isn't it? OKAY. Back to breakfast. Tinks and Pony are in the kitchen, and I'm getting ready to med them, when I look out the window and see Soda meandering through the backyard. I figure I'll go call him in, quick, so I can med everybody at the same time, so I rush out into the garage, in the process falling down the garage stairs.

All two of them.

There are all of TWO stairs leading from the house to the garage, and I fell down them.

Olympics, here I come.

And am I the only person who, even when being observed by no one other than CATS, still tries to go for the save and not look like a total idiot? Still tries to maintain some sense of decorum as my big toe is bending underneath my foot and hurting like hell? Still tries to get to the damn back door so I can call in Soda? No? That's just me? That's what I figured.

So yeah, I'm limping like hell and my toe hurts like crazy and it keeps falling asleep in a PAINFUL way and I briefly thought maybe this could justify a day off from work but even I'M not THAT lame so here I am at the office, telling you about my broken toe.

The end.

Anybody got any good broken toe stories for me?


Becs said...

I grew up in the South, at a time when shoes were optional for anyone under the age of 15. I lost count of how many times I broke my baby toes. Running into swing sets, tripping over puppies, just generally stubbing it on something hard.

Never broke my big toe but I bet it hurts like the blazes. Rest, ice, compression. I think.

Birdie said...

I have to ask. Did the cats laugh when you fell? My cat does.

It very well could be broken but there is nothing you can do about it. Ice it and keep it elevated.

rockygrace said...

Becs, I go barefoot all the time around the house and yard. Let those feet breathe! I'm sure my neighbors think I'm some kind of hillbilly.

and Birdie, the cats were kind enough to refrain from guffaws.

"If I just wasn't in such a damn hurry all the time", I was thinking after it happened. This afternoon, I talked to my boss, and I'm going to be off work from July 5 to the 15. So the busted toe did do SOME good. But it's starting to turn purple, so I guess it's time for some ice.

James P. said...

Reaction from a person close enough to your mother's age to sound like her: "I think you should see a doctor, just to make sure it isn't something that needs repairing." If the toe bone isn't lined up right, seems like it would heal wrong. The bending-under-your-foot part didn't sound promising.

James P. said...

That was the version of what mothers train themselves to say....Here is what they really mean: "WHADDYA NUTS????? GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!! SHEESH!!!" Ginny

rockygrace said...

Ginny, actually, you're closer to MY age than you are to my mom's. :)

and the toe's not, like, sticking out at an angle or anything, so I think I'll save the copay and not go to the doctor. If the toe falls off, I'll be all, "Dammit! I shoulda listened to Ginny!"

rockygrace said...

Oh! and true story: I once broke my wrist and waited a day to go to the doctor's because it happened on Super Bowl Sunday and there was no way in hell I was gonna spend the Superbowl sitting in the ER with a buncha drunks.

and then when I finally GOT to the doctor's, he wanted to put a cast on it, and I was like, "I live alone! I have no one to help me! There is no way in HELL you're putting a cast on that arm!" So he put on a removable splint that I could take off when showering, doing the dishes, etc.

I'm stubborn. And stupid.

rockygrace said...

oh! and also true story: Did you know that bones bleed? They do! I found that out during the whole broken-wrist thing, when the palm of my hand got all bruised and I couldn't figure out why and the doc explained that it was the blood leaking from the broken bone that was causing the bruising.

Woozy yet?

James P. said...

A question about your original post in this thread (cyber-savvy word from an oldster!), just how do you give eyedrops to a cat without becoming a human scratching post? Ginny

rockygrace said...

The same way you give pills to a cat - very carefully!

Seriously, I've found that the best way to give medicine to a cat is to sit on the floor with your legs out and knees bent, with the cat on the floor between your legs and facing away from you. You can use your legs/knees to restrain the cat. For pills, you use one hand to open the mouth (careful pressure on the hinge of the jaw will make the cat open up), and the other hand to administer the pill or use a pill-pusher (device for pilling animals). For eyedrops, you use one hand to tilt the cat's head and open his eye, and the other hand to squeeze the bottle and make the drop come out. The cat can't really move too much because he's between/under your legs.

Ha! I guess I really AM a crazy cat lady. Sh*t.

but really, this method works the best of anything I've tried. And I've pilled LOTS of cats over the years.

rockygrace said...

oh, and you oughta see the toe today! It's technicolor.