Saturday, May 05, 2012

I got strafed by a swallow on the Bunny Trail

So, I'm out hiking this afternoon, minding my own business, and I'm walking through this little meadow on the Bunny Trail, and all of a sudden I hear this "fffFFFFFFT" right next to my ear. And I jerked my head up, and it was a swallow! Dive-bombing me!

"Shit!" I thought. "She's probably got a nest around here."

By then she was circling around for another shot at me, so I did what any big wuss would do. I dropped to my knees and covered my head with my arms. HEY! I don't know what talons hitting the side of my head at sixty miles an hour would feel like, but I'm betting not so good.

The swallow backed off after one more attempt at my life, and I made it out of the meadow. Who knew a simple walk in the woods could hold such peril? Christ.

Dutchman's Breeches. My mom used to say that these were her favorite flowers when she was a kid:

Mr. Frogger:

Some kind of snow-flake powder-puff little flower:

The woods are greening up:

Tons of Mayapples:

Sadly, I did not get a picture of the killer swallow.

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