Friday, March 21, 2014

Ballpark Geese

I know it's Spring when the geese are back on the ballfield next door.

I like to think it's the same pair each year.  As soon as the ice on the creek breaks up, the first two come.  Soon they'll be joined by others, and then my cats will start indulging in wild goose chases, and then Little League will start up and the geese will move on, closer to the river.

But for now, they're here.  Spring has sprung.  Halle-freakin'-lujah.


Zella said...

I fear the day I see geese back here...! Don't get me wrong; I really can't wait for spring and summer...but the geese on my island are very aggressive and last summer I was chased by one during my run, and at least one other time I had to re-route my run because some big ass geese were standing smack in the middle of the running path and were adamant to not move an inch...I think they were just worried about their offspring - nevertheless, it was pretty scary for me too :)

Have a good weekend !

fmcgmccllc said...

Hope it put a smile on your face, we need hope this winter is moving on.

rockygrace said...

Zella, geese look pretty, but they are nasty-assed, stinky-poop-emitting, mean mofos.

and fmcetc., yep, hope is all we've got, right about now. Ha.