Thursday, December 12, 2013

So then I pulled out the big guns.

Mom's still in the hospital, still not much change.  The hospital is waiting for space to open in a skilled nursing facility before they release her.

My sister TIB and her contingent were strongly pushing for her to go back to the no-skilled home where she had been staying, which MY contingent strongly opposes.  She needs to be someplace with 24-hour care and actual, like, medical professionals, as opposed to the minimum-wage dipshits at the no-skilled home who waited until she was almost dead to call a damn doctor.

Yeah, I'm a little bitter.  And I was prepared to wage war.

But.  Way back in 2003, when mom's dementia was starting to progress, I insisted that she lawyer up.  She needed an updated will, and someone with Power of Attorney, and a living will and a Health Care Proxy.

Guess whose name is on the Health Care Proxy?


She WILL be going to a skilled facility, where she WILL get the supervision she needs, and my sister TIB and her crazy-ass buddies (who, sadly, include my sister Alabama and my brother) can go pound sand.

Suck it, TIB and crew.  Just suck it.

(My family makes me crazy.  Can you tell?)


~~Silk said...

I'm sure there are valid reasons for either decision, involving things like quality of life, cost, consideration of what she would want if she could decide.

But if your mother is from my mother's generation or just a decade or so later (when women were taught to defer to men), she chose you over your brother for a reason, so be confident in your decision. A mother knows her children.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, yeah, I actually resisted being the proxy, but she insisted. Go mom!

And yes, if she was not greatly diminished, I would consider a lesser level of care. But not right now, and she is definitely never, ever going back to that particular "home". They'll be lucky if I don't slap a lawsuit on their ass.

fmcgmccllc said...

Times like these can make you want to run down the street naked and pulling your hair out, well me anyway. My brother talked my mother into putting him in charge of everything and I have had to say-well you made your choice and I hope you like it.

rockygrace said...

fmcetc., one of the worst parts is that there is no satisfaction in those kinds of I-told-you-sos.

fmcgmccllc said...
