Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's a Christmas miracle!

This time of year, whenever something good happens, even something stupid like winning a hand of computer solitaire, I like to think to myself, "It's a Christmas miracle!"

I dunno why; it just tickles me.  It seems like the word "miracle" is thrown around so freely, and this time of year it gets all connected with Christmas somehow, and voila.  Christmas miracle! hee.

I don't really believe in miracles, per se.  Serendipity, sure; but true miracles?  Nah.  Maybe because miracles get tied up with God, whom I believe in about as much as I do Santa, so not so much.  Even if someone is "miraculously" cured of cancer, I don't think it's a miracle so much as it is dumb luck.  The cancer came and nobody knows why; the cancer went and nobody knows why; why is one a terrible thing and the other one a miracle?

And I was trying to think if I'd ever experienced a "miracle", and I guess the closest I ever came is back when I was young and poor and working fast food, and a week came when I had lots of bills due and I'd had a short week the week before, so I knew that my paycheck was going to be crap and I had no idea how I'd be able to eat, let along pay the bills that were due, and then my paycheck came and due to reasons I do not remember, it was a normal paycheck instead of a short one and the day was saved and tada!  Miracle!  Or just happy event, either way.

How about you?  Ever had a miracle happen?


Holly said...

Yes! Most of the year, if any petty thing goes right, I holler, "POWER OF THE SEEEECRET!" But at Christmas, it's always a miracle. The cat barfed beside the new rug, not on it! There was a bottle of cherry wine we forgot about in the wine cooler! CHRISTMAS MIIIIRACLE!

rockygrace said...

Oh, Holly, now I need to know what the power of the secret is! Pray tell.

Domestic Kate said...

Is she referring to this secret?

I don't believe in miracles. I believe that things happen by chance or by human intervention, not divine. I'm with you on the cancer thing. It's like when athletes thank god. Really? Did you also blame god that one time you didn't make the shot? Did you blame god for tearing your ACL? No? That was all you? Why? Anyway, crazy things happen, but just because we don't understand it doesn't mean that god's behind it.

I think the real Christmas miracle is that Joseph agreed to raise someone else's baby. Why doesn't anybody talk about that?

~~Silk said...

If by miracle you mean something that cannot be explained by logic or natural laws, then I have experienced many miracles.

They're all in my blog somewhere. Someday maybe I should gather them.