Monday, December 09, 2013

and in brighter news ...

... Saturday was another big! adoption! event! day!

First, we suck in the little kids ...

... and then we get the parents.

We had two "hard-to-place" (i.e, adult, long-haired, male, BIG cats) get adopted!  Congrats, Muffin and Snugglebunny!  (I DO NOT NAME THESE CATS.) Woot!

And we're gonna do it all over again this weekend. I'll get my tree up ... someday.


Anonymous said...

That is why we are hanging on to our "difficult to place" cat even though it's not really working for either him or us or the other cat. He's a huge long-haired male and though he can be a snugglelove, he can also be a butthead. I just don't see anyone jumping to take that on.

bridgett said...

That's me...bridgett

Anonymous said...

We prefer the older cats when we adopt - they're already litter trained and don't run around breaking things. So far, they've always seemed really happy to get a new home.
PS - thanks for the card - loved it!

Anonymous said...

Plus we always trust what the volunteers say - if they like a cat, we'll love it!

rockygrace said...

bridgett, I knew that was you as soon as I read "difficult to place cat." I hope he's not making your lives too miserable. And you never know - Muffin has a tendency to "nip", i.e., BITE, and the family wanted him anyway. And I hope your extraction went okay!

and Kris - You're right - the older cats definitely appreciate their new homes. And as far as trusting the volunteers, we're pretty open with adopters - we don't want them getting any surprises when they get the cat home. :)