Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Seriously? A loaf of bread?

So,  with all of the drama that is coming with my mom's hospitalization and continuing family drama, I'm finding myself a little ... frazzled.  I'm usually pretty good at holding it all together, but I stopped at a dollar store on my way back to the office from the hospital this afternoon, and standing in line, I realized I was so tired I was dizzy.

And then, tonight, I went to make a sandwich, and  I ate it, and now, a couple of hours later, I realize that the remainder of the loaf of bread has ... vanished.  It's ... not  in the fridge, which is where I usually keep the bread, and it's not in the cupboards, and I even checked the garbage to see if I mindlessly threw it out, and ... nope.  I lost a loaf of bread.

So tell me, friends, what's the oddest thing you ever lost?  And where did it eventually show up?


the queen said...

Do your cats eat bread?

Domestic Kate said...

My thoughts also went to the cats.

Did you eat it? Cuz that's what I do with bread. It "disappears" all the time!

~~Silk said...

If someone rings the doorbell while I have something in my hand, the something will be found some time later on the chest next to the front door.

If Jasper screams for food while I have something in my hand, the something will be found some time later in the laundry room, next to the cat food.

Missing books are often found next to the bathtub.

rockygrace said...

Turns out it was in the vegetable crisper drawer. Lord knows there's LOTS of room in there ...