Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Holy Mary Mother of F*CK

Dudes.  Duuuuuudes.  I just had to call the COPS on my neighbor B.

I am TOO OLD for this crap.


~~Silk said...

Isn't HE too old for that crap?
Spill. Don't make us beg.

rockygrace said...

Oh my GOD, when I got home from work tonight and got out of the car I could hear yelling coming from their house. And a little while later, here came B., ringing my doorbell, and I thought, well, maybe he's come over to apologize for the whole fiasco Monday night which, HA, so I let him in, and then he started ranting and raving and sorely trying my patience and I was just, like, I don't get paid enough for this sh*t, and it was obvious he was in the grips of some serious mental stuff, so I grabbed my cell and went out in the garage and called 911 and the cops came and

... I'll have a big long post tomorrow, but for right now I have HAD IT with these damn neighbors. What. the. F*CK. It ain't funny anymore.

the queen said...

Well - it's not funny for YOU ...
But I'm sure they'll leave soon, out of shame.

Holly said...

Lucky. My hambeasts with the golf clubs haven't been brawling in the parking lot lately.