Friday, February 22, 2013

The cure for the common cold

Anybody got one?  A cure, that is.

I have come down with ... something.  Sinus headache, sneezing, sore throat, general malaise.  And I have to put in a full day at the office today, and then work a special adoption event all weekend.


I took some Nyquil last night and within an hour was shivering so hard I thought my teeth were going to rattle out of my head.  I don't know if it was because of the Nyquil or because of the cold, but the Nyquil did knock me out enough (finally) to get a good night's sleep.  Well, except for the waking up and moaning from the sore throat part.  So then I got a cough drop and went back to sleep, hoping that I didn't aspirate the cough drop and choke to death.  NOT what I want in my obit, thankyouverymuch.  Dying from a cough drop is just so ... lame.

Chocolate milk is helping with my sore throat, but my other sick-time standards (coke with ice, saltine crackers) don't even sound good right now, so if anybody's got any favorite shaky-stomach foods, I'm all ears.

It's gonna be a long weekend.


~~Silk said...

Sounds more like the flu than a cold. Shocking news - the flu shot this year is covering 3 different strains, and isn't working very well for the nastiest strain. It's 9% effective for people over 65 (the most vulnerable), and just a bit over 50% for middle-aged people.

I beg you not to go to the adoption thing. Or if you must, do your potential adopters a favor and wear a surgical mask and wash your hands frequently. Staying away from other people is the only 100% effective way to avoid infecting others.

fmcgmccllc said...

Ginger ale, preferably Vernors and toast if you are well enough then make cinnamon toast in the oven. When I was young Banquet turkey TV dinners did the trick.

~~Silk said...

As to anything that will make you more comfortable, I got nuthin' short of five days in the hospital. I found that lying down made the coughing worse. Do you have a recliner? If so, sleep in it. Some people swear by whiskey, lemon, and honey cocktail, but not with any other meds, and not if you don't drink.)

rockygrace said...

I don't think it's the flu - if it was, I'd be flat on my back right now. This is more of a general yuck, compounded by the fact that I can barely keep my eyes open. I guess I didn't sleep as well last night as I thought ...

~~Silk, I have got to do the adoption thing, but I'll stay to the back of the house, and let the other volunteers handle the public. Good advice. Then again, "Typhoid Rocky" would sound a lot better in my obit than "choked on a cough drop".

and fmcetc, toast sounds pretty good right now. And thanks for bringing back memories of Banquet turkey TV dinners - remember the weird little cranberry dessert thing? That was my favorite part - well, next to the mashed potatoes which tasted absolutely nothing like potatoes. So ... good ...