Friday, December 02, 2011

(More) things that are driving me crazy.

1. People who say "Me no likey." Stop it. Just stop it. See also: People who declare someone to be their "brother from another mother", "sister from another mister", etc. JUST STOP. IT'S NOT FUNNY.

2. People who don't let other people merge into traffic. See also: People who start to merge three miles before a lane closure. UR DOIN IT RONG. You are supposed to use BOTH LANES of traffic up to the point of the closure, BOTH LANES, and then take turns merging. If you merge three miles back, thinking that you're being a good doo-bee, and then refuse to let anybody in at the point of closure? YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE.

3. Calling people "ginger" instead of redheads. "He's a ginger." I don't know why this grates on me so much; it just does.

Okay! Must be I'm getting mellow in my old age, because I can only think of three things right now. How about you? Anything driving you crazy this morning?


fmcgmccllc said...

sammich and sammy, drive me over the edge.

Anonymous said...

I continue to be pissed off at people who park in compact spaces that are not driving compact cars. In fact, I think most of the cars that occupy compact spaces (here anyway) are not compact. I'm not sure if it's a literacy issue or an issue of not really knowing what compact means, but it makes me want to slash some tires. If you want to park in compact spaces, quit buying giant cars.

Anonymous said...

The merge thing varies around the country. Here, you'd better merge early and are considered a jerk if you don't. Semis will straddle the center line to make that happen. Image my surprise, while living on the East Coast, that the method you describe is the preferred. Either method works if everyone knows the local rules - it's the inconsistency (and the occasional real jerk) that gum up the works.

Becs said...

Children who scream instead of talk. Children who scream just to scream. Children. New Jersey, the Entitlement State. New Jersey: Even the Rabbis are Corrupt. Pajamas in public, unless you are under one year of age. Fat girls wearing skin-tight clothing. Women wearing clothes that display their ta-tas. Pants on the ground. Barbra Streisand. Gwenyth Paltrow. That prairie chick, Ree whatever. Shall I continue? It's a long list.

rockygrace said...

Valid gripes, all.