Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas etiquette is tricky shit: Now with an update!

So! The other weekend, my neighbor T., the one who I helped out after the flood, gave me a $15 gift certificate to Panera. Isn't that nice?

And almost immediately afterword, I found out that the foster group was having a fundraising bake sale, and could I bring anything?

Well, I'm not really a baker, but I DID have a gift card to Panera, so ... yeah. Which actually was kind of a waste, because never having been to Panera before, I didn't know that they were charging TWO BUCKS A COOKIE. Which is flippin' highway robbery and a total rip-off, as far as I'm concerned.

Now. At some point between now and New Year's, T. will be inviting me and some of the other neighbors over for coffee and cookies. And I know - I KNOW - that she will ask me if I'd enjoyed using the gift card.

Do I tell her the truth? That I used the card for the bake sale? Or do I lie and tell her I used it for myself, which was her intent? And let's not forget that the LAST time I lied to her, the infamous pizza incident, I felt AWFUL afterward. But I don't want her to feel bad that I used the card for something else.

Gah. This holiday shit is confusing.

Update! I've got another one for ya - I just got a letter informing me that the IRS owes our company three hundred bucks. Good news, right? Except the reason they owe us three hundred bucks is because way back in August, I transposed some numbers on a tax form and overpaid them. The boss is not gonna be happy that I (accidentally) overpaid. Do I fess up NOW, upon receipt of the letter, or wait until next week, after the Christmas bonuses have been distributed?

Honestly? I'm gonna tell him today. I don't want that hanging over my head all weekend. But am I being a schmuck? Should I have waited? You be the judge!


Anonymous said...

How about telling your neighbor: "I got some cookies there the other day." It'll probably sound like you haven't used the whole card yet, like you just stopped in for a snack. But it's not a lie--you did buy cookies.

Good call on telling your boss.

rockygrace said...

Kate, you're a genius!

Becs said...

1. You are not a schmuck. The sooner you come clean, the sooner you can stop sweating it.

2. Who cares where the cookies came from? Put 'em on a paper plate and put some plastic wrap over them.

fmcgmccllc said...

I became addicted to Panera shortbread cookies and some kinda coffee they had. So on Friday I would stop and buy coffee and cookies for my customers. And expense them. But I was horrified when I saw a co-worker doing the same-and adding in a loaf of bread or coffee cake for her personal use. Those are expensive cookies.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

If it will bring you enjoyment to buy cookies for a fund raiser, then you used the gift card and it made you happy. so what if you didn't consume the calories!!

(btw, Panera often donates their day old stuff for fundraisers... you just have to ask)

As for the fessing up, I'd do it now, you'll feel better for it.