Tuesday, March 17, 2009

......... survey SAYS!*.....

........ sinus infection, earning me a prescription for Amoxicillin with a chaser of Mucinex. And believe me, they regulate the Mucinex MUCH MORE CLOSELY than they do the antibiotics. Thanks, tweakers!

But holy gee, maybe I can finally start to recover. Even Dr. "No-Antibiotics-For-You" caved and gave me the goods, telling me, "you'll never get better without 'em."

And I promise you, I'll start talking about something else now. Coming soon: Movie review!*

*because THAT never gets old. Heh.


Unknown said...

Yay for drugs. Boo for tweakers. But yay for eventual recovery.

rockygrace said...

After taking my first dose of Mucinex yesterday, now I know why they regulate it - holy cow, that stuff wires you up! Nine hours after taking it, I was still bouncing off the walls.

listie said...

Geez, I don't check in for a few days (ok, more like a week)and you go and get sick.

I hope you're better soon.

rockygrace said...

Oh, be careful, Listie! I've evidently already infected Bridgett via the internet - I wouldn't want anyone else to get sick.