Thursday, January 03, 2008

Tour T-Shirts

A while back, my sister TIB said some really nasty (and untrue) things about me. My sister Texas and I were laughing about it on the phone (because what else can you do?), and agreed that we should have t-shirts made up chronicling her comments (because we are twelve). And, since I'm heading down to Texas for a visit next month, what better time than the present?

I just can't decide whether I want the design to go on the front or the back of the shirts. What do you think?


listie said...

Since you asked, I'd put it on the back. Then maybe a smaller one on the front on the upper left? I'm just not partial to logos emblazoned across the front of shirts. I love the idea, though.

rockygrace said...

I like the idea of putting on the back, but then the front would be plain. (They do the "pocket logos", but there's an extra charge.) Still undecided!

Anonymous said...

Oh excellent! On the back for sure for me anyway. I have never liked things emblazoned across my frontage.

Exador said...

I want more details on this "sinful life" you've been leading. Have you been leaving all the juicy stuff out of the blog?

rockygrace said...

Oh, Exador, if you only knew ....