Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oddly Looking Forward To This One

"Clash of the Choirs", that is. I was in choir all the way through school (nerdnerdNERD), and I'm still a sucker for good vocal harmony.

Hey, if other peeps can watch "Dancing with the Stars" without shame, surely I can watch televised choir practice, no?


Anonymous said...

I love listening to choir singing.

Used to be in the choir at school. That was some choir!

Still have a friend who sings in a choir; she lives in Cornwall (not that that really has anything to do with choirs, though), but, you know...

rockygrace said...

I can still sing "The Last Words of David". Poorly, but I can do it. Also, "Choose Something Like a Star". (Yes, the Robert Frost poem. A composer set it to music, and it's beautiful).
I guess I'll always be a choir nerd, even if I'm not in a choir anymore.

Anonymous said...

OOOOH! We can be choir nerds together.

rockygrace said...

Oh, bridgett, you too?! At least I'm not alone ......