Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ewwww ..... Gross

There is a dead squirrel in my backyard. I discovered him (or her) last night. He (or she) looks very peaceful, just lying on the ground, dead. Now I have to figure out what to do with the body.

I considered just leaving it there, but the thought of coming across it again in upcoming days, when it has started to decompose, is not very pleasant. And I don't want to have to touch it (yuck! squirrel cooties!) to move it. So I thought I could scoop it up with a shovel and put it ..... where? I thought about just nudging over a few feet into my neighbor's yard, but that hardly seems fair. And it hasn't rained here for several days, so the ground is as hard as a rock, and not conducive to grave-digging. I suppose I could push it into a plastic bag and put it in the garbage, but the thought of that squirrel corpse in the bottom of a garbage can for the week until the next pick-up is skeeving me out. I suppose I could carry it (in the shovel, of course), out to the road and leave it by the side to join its many car-squashed brethren, which the local highway department disposes of.

Sigh. Why do I always have to make such a big deal out of everything? And does anybody have any squirrel-disposal ideas?


Exador said...

Put on a pair of high boots. Set your lawnmower on the lowest setting...

rockygrace said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Actually, I went for the whole neighbor's-yard idea. In all fairness, there is a section of their backyard that they never mow at all, so they won't even know he's there. And I forgot until just now that I should have posed him with GI Joes like you did on your site! (That was your site I'm thinking of, right?) I loved that picture! Although it's not too late ... I could retrieve him ....

Anonymous said...

Did you find my site by googling ideas for dead squirrel disposal? Yikes. I kind of like the yardapult him into your neighbor's yard... as long as you're not my neighbor, clearly.

rockygrace said...

Hi, hollowsquirrel! I can't remember how I found your site, but I sure am enjoying it!

BTW, I checked this past weekend, and the squirrel is gone. Hmmm....